Friday, April 20, 2007

School shooting in the U.S.
17 April 2007

A serious school shooting happened again, but this time is in Virginia Tech University in the United States of America, in the morning on 16 April 2007 (U.S time). At least 33 people were killed including the gunman himself that hit the worst shooting rampage in the U.S. history.

A girl talked to the media who pretended to be dead managed to escape when the gunman walked into her class and shot her classmates without any emotion. The other survived student described the gunman as Asian looking male, about 1.8 meters tall, walked into the German class and shot a student and professor first and then started shooting nearly all of the other students in the room. “There were 15 to 20 people in the class; he shot 10 to 15 of them”. Another witness reported the gun man carried two nine-millimetre handguns. Before shooting in the class, he had shot some people in the dormitory at around 7 o’clock in the morning. When the first shooting investigation was underway, the second shooting happened in Norris Hall, an engineering building, located at the other end of campus.

There were at least 21 people wounded. The students were panic by the horrifies and all classes had been cancelled. The President Bush stated it was shocking news and the White house was monitoring the incident.

This massacre resulted people question the gun law in the United States.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

About me

I am originally from Beijing, the capital of China, and have been in New Zealand for just 7 years. I obtained a Bachelor degree in computing system at Unitec in the year 2003. After I graduated from Unitec, I started a Master’s degree at AUT. It was an exciting moment when I received my degree last year. Completing my masters degree made my dream come true, because to gain a good qualification was one of the reasons for me to move overseas. It was one of my biggest achievement in the last 6 years.

I also gained a Diploma in accounting and had a few years working experience in the travel and IT industries when I was in China.

My hobbies are cooking, listening to music, reading books and watching rugby. I also like camping and traveling. I would go to France on September this year if I won a trip to the world cup rugby supported by Heineken or if I have enough money. :)

My partner and I went to Vanuatu for holiday last year. We visited an active volcano in the Tanna Island. It was awesome! We heard the deep groans and roars and watched the explosions of rock and ash thrown into the sky and then thud back into the crater. We were really shocked when some rocks just dropped on the ground about 100 meters away from us, after a big explosion. I reckon it is really hard to have such an impressive experience anywhere else in the world .